Encouraging the Believer

We all face challenges in this world. Every Christian will continue to face challenges. One of Harmony’s goals is to “Encourage the Believer”. This is done by being there for each other, living life together, hearing each others success stories and even failures. This is also done by explaining how God has been faithful in helping us through different challenges. God’s Word is also utilized to encourage each other.

Equipping for the Challenges Ahead

One thing every believer has in common is that they will face challenges. That is why Harmony is focused on “Equipping for the Challenges Ahead”. This is done by studying the Scriptures and teaching the Scriptures. Our goal is to help every Christian grow in their knowledge of the Scriptures. Another way Harmony strives to equipp the Christian is by teaching apologetics. Apologetics encourages the Christian because it gives them confidence in their position. Apologetics equipps the Christian for the challenging questions they may encounter.

Engaging with Our Community

Harmony realizes that God has called all Christians to engage with their surroundings. This is why Harmony strives to “Engage with Our Community” in a variety of ways. Giving to missions and going on mission trips is important to those at Harmony. It is also very important to us that we strive to engage with those in our own community. This is done by serving our community and showing people we are here for the.